Davi Rodrigues built a career, renowned as a unique audacious immersive choreographer and producing daring hard work as an Artistic Director. Originally from Brazil, Rodrigues is a Canadian Citizen who distinguished himself as a passionate dancer for many years, and as a young visionary choreographer for nearly a decade prior to and joining Lamondance. With this, he brings high energy and optimism to his work.
Davi studied physical education at the Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB) while training and performing as a dancer for six years with the Aplauso Cia de Dança under the direction of Junior O'Hara in Taguatinga - DF. Rodrigues also studied classical ballet with the Ballet Theatre Guaira’s principal dancer Heloisa Almeida.
Davi has leadership skills shown at a very early age. His gift for creating innovative experiences as both a dancer and choreographer began in Brazil. Davi crafted original choreography for 8 original full-length dance shows with "Cia Criatividança" His own company (a company he danced and directed for 15 years). With which he toured Brazil received many awards as outstanding as a dancer and best choreographer. His works are known around the globe.